
Sri Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya

The Mantra of Goddess Sri Bhuvaneshwari Initiates You to Sacred Wisdom

Śrī bhuvanēśvari smarēdravīdvagnivilōcanāntānsupustakān̄jāpyavaṭīndadhānām sinhāsanāmmadhyamayanrasansthānśrītattvavidyāmparāmbāmbhajāmi

The deity who holds the mysteries of the Universe in her divine form, Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, appears as the fourth Mahavidya. She is said to have come into existence when the three worlds were created out of the Bhavasagara. The Bhavasagara is depicted as the endless ocean of the very beginning, where every creation began. The three worlds are described in some texts as Bhu, Vaha, and Svaha.

The syllable Bhu indicates the earthly plane or the Marta Loka. Vaha indicates the dimension where the spirits are carried after death, awaiting reincarnation. This dimension can be referred to as Patala. Svaha indicates the state of supreme bliss and enlightenment or the dimension of the heavens. Therefore, Goddess Bhuvaneshwari watches over the three dimensions of endless existence as the Divine Mother.

She is worshipped as Parambaa (the Supreme Mother) or the Goddess of Enlightenment. She has three eyes illuminated with supreme knowledge, and worshipping her leads the devotee to see through the illusion of Maya. She dissipates the veil of ignorance that separates the devotee from knowing the true nature of Maya.

She holds the sacred book and the rosary in her hands, symbolizing the emphasis on wisdom to traverse the ocean of illusions. In some depictions, she is seen seated on a majestic lion's throne. In some places, she is seen seated on a lotus floating over the Bhavasagara. She is the embodiment of radiant knowledge (Dharma) and leads the devotee to transcend the limitations of the mortal mind. She is beyond life and death, yet she is life and death herself. Within the depths of her endless benevolence, the devotee attains true liberation by Karma and realizes the eternal truth of divinity, forever existing even in this Yuga.

Her husband is Lord Shiva, worshipped as the three-eyed Tryamvaka. Her worship can be done in any direction as she encompasses the Universe. The night, where she is worshipped, is called Siddharatri. The knowledge of her worship is called Siddha Vidhya.

Illumination of the Heart in True Wisdom

Illumination of the Heart in True Wisdom

In a deeper sense, it also implies the sound that exists without the contact between two parts. In other words, this is the sound of OM, or the vibration that existed before existence came into being. So, the worship of the Goddess Bhuvaneshwari resonates in the heart with OM, the very vibration of the endless Universe. Also, the sound that is not created by the contact of two parts is non-dual, initiating the devotee into the knowledge of non-dualism or Advaita. In Tantrik texts, non-dualism is often described as the figure of Ardhanarisvara, or Shiva and Shakti as one.

The heart that is unaffected by the illusion of Maya is indifferent to attachment yet pervades the very core of existence (Dharma). Meditating on her divine form initiates the devotee into great enlightenment, where sufferings cease to affect the heart, and one remains joyous because he has known the Paramananda or the supreme bliss.

Since Bhuvaneshwari is the Goddess of the three worlds, she guides the true devotee through the illusion of death into reincarnation. Death, as understood, can be both physical and spiritual. It is said that the heart corrupted by sins dies spiritually much before the physical body. Intently worshipping her can guide the devotee to unburden the heart from deception (which is a part of the illusion of Maya) and achieve true enlightenment.

May the Devotee Remember Her Great Names

The Great Goddess is known by many other names, depicting her majesty. When she is worshipped by the name Sarvesi, the Goddess is held as the Queen of all and everything. Her other name, Sarvarupa, means that everything is but her manifestation. She is also worshipped as Visvarupa, which means that her form embodies the entire world.

A true devotee should be able to visualize the presence of the Goddess in every sentient being and the entire Maya. The Mahavidya is the supreme knowledge that is related to the Samkhya tradition, where the feminine principle is worshipped as Prakriti (Nature) and the masculine as Purusha (consciousness). Illumined by enlightenment, the devotee can see Goddess Bhuvaneshwari in nature and be held by consciousness.

The Tantrik Disciplines of Worship

An accomplished Tantrik Guru decides on the right path of worship for the devotee. The paths may be different, but they all lead to the same outcome. In the end, the devotee who follows the principles of Tantra is liberated from curses (unhappiness) and attains the grace of the Goddess (Paramananda).

Dakshinacharam or the Right-Hand path is the most orthodox method and is guided by Sattva Guna. The Sattva Guna signifies great indifference and ascetic discipline. The devotee needs to focus on meditation, vegetarianism, and austerity to practice Dakshinacharam.

Vamacharam or the Left-Hand path is more intense and is guided by Tamasa Guna. The Tamasa guna signifies deep darkness, and the devotee should focus on mastering the deep control over the Pancha Ma’kara.

The Pancha Ma’Kara describes the different aspects of Tamasa, embodied in Madya, Mamsa, Matsya, Mudra, and Maithuna. These respectively mean, alcohol, meat, fish, wealth, and sexual intercourse. Only by strict discipline in the Vamacharam, the Sadhaka can gain mastery over the Five M’s and protect the self from the ShadaRipu or the six enemies of the senses. These enemies are lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego, and envy.

The Sadhaka may follow the path of Kaulacharam. It is in many ways similar to Vamacharam. However, it is based on Rajasic principles.

The Goddess Protects the Devotee

Bhuvaneshwari embodies the entire cosmos within her. The devotee is led onto the path of spiritual liberation by worshipping her. She is associated with creation and destruction both. Her divine energy even transcends the principles of creation and destruction, leading to the realization of the ultimate.

Here are some problems and how you can free yourself from them by the grace of the Goddess.

Problem: Lack of confidence and self-worth.

Solution: The devotee should recite the Bhuvaneshwari mantra daily with a pure heart. The mantra is Om Aing HringShring Kling Hling Daksha-Dakshayai Namah (ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं ह्लीं दक्षा-दक्षायै नमः")

The devotee should meditate on the image of the Goddess, imagining her radiating with benevolent energy. Also, you should offer fruits, flowers, and sweets to her image, seeking her blessings.

Problem:Financial Instability


  • Regular Puja:Worship the Goddess every day by lighting incense sticks and a ghee lamp. Offer your prayers to her to attain financial stability.
  • Yantra Worship:Maintain the auspicious Bhuvaneshwari Yantra in your home. Worship the Yantra with flowers, water, and sandalwood paste.
  • Charity: Lead an ethical life by donating to the needy in her name. Charity pleases the Goddess and invokes her blessings.

Problem: Relationship issues,


  • Couple worship: Both partners should worship the Goddess in unison. Seek her blessings for harmony and understanding.
  • Ritual Bath: The partners should take a ritual bath in water sprinkled with rose petals and turmeric. Worship the Goddess after you take the bath.
  • Mantra Recitation:The partners should recite the Bhuvaneshvari strotra together, focusing on her divine compassion and benevolence. True prayers reach the Goddess, and she will bless you with conjugal happiness.

Problem:Mental stress and anxiety.


  • Morning Prayer:Start the day with prayers to the Goodess, seeking her grace to relieve you of doubt and anxiety.
  • Visualization: You need to visualize her radiant form in meditation, imagining her to dispel the darkness of Tamasa with her divine grace.
  • Sacred space:Create a small altar or sacred space dedicated to the Goddess in your home. Pray to her daily by offering flowers, prayers, and incense, seeking her calming presence. The Sadhaka should wear yellow garments while praying to her.

Problem:Lack of spiritual progress.


  • • Deep Meditation:The Sadhaka should practice deep meditation on the form of the Goddess, seeking her blessings and guidance.
  • • Scripture Study: Make an effort to read the spiritual texts related to the Goddess Bhuvaneshwari and the Dasa MahaVidya. Reflect on the teachings.
  • • Guidance of the Guru: You need to seek the guidance of an accomplished Tantrik Guru who will show you the right path for spiritual progress.

The Guru Can Solve Your Problems

An accomplished Tantrik Guru is dedicated to the betterment of the lives of the devotees. The Guru can sense the spiritual potential in the devotee and guide him toward the path of liberation. You need to seek a true Guru who will listen to your problems and suggest appropriate remedies for them. With the guidance of a Tantrik, you can also perform the different rituals correctly. Tantrik rituals can have a disastrous effect if you are not performing them correctly. Only a Guru can show you the right way.