

May the Kamala Shloka Usher Peace and Prosperity

Kamalātmikā kāntā kān̄cana sannibhāṁ himagiriprabhyai caturbhirgajai hastōkṣipta hiraṇyāmata ghaṭairāsin̄camānāṁ śriyam bibhrāṇāṁ varamabjayugmamabhayaṁ hastraiḥ kirīṭōjvalam kṣaumābad'dha nitamba valitāṁ vandē ravindasthitām

Goddess Kamala governs the tenth house in the pantheon of the Dasa MahaVidya. She is depicted as a beautiful woman wearing a silken saree, and her blessings overflow the abode of the devotee with prosperity. The radiant Goddess is adorned with shimmering gold ornaments, and her resplendent beauty rivals the glory of the sun. Her presence is considered extremely auspicious, as she is seated over a lotus, symbolizing purity and innocence. She is a yogini, seated in the lotus posture and wearing a crown of resplendent jewels.

She has four arms, representing the four directions of creation. She holds two pink lotuses with her two hands. In her other two hands, she shows the Varada Mudra (Granting Boons) and holds a golden pitcher overflowing with wealth. In some depictions, the golden pitcher is shown overflowing with the holy nectar of Amrita. The nectar sparkles with otherworldly delight, representing the fulfilment of desires at the culmination of the Dasa MahaVidya. In other depictions, her two other hands hold rice shoots, symbolizing prosperity and fertility.

Kamala, meaning the Lotus-Goddess, symbolizes both spiritual and material wealth. The lotus is an enduring emblem of the Kundalini Chakras. Hence, the tenth MahaVidya represents Sadhaka's acquisition of all Siddhis. She is depicted as having a slender waist adorned with a silken sash, symbolizing fertility. Her presence evokes wellness and compassion, emanating deep tranquillity attained in spiritual liberation.

She is often seen surrounded by four elephants bathing her with nectar. The elephants symbolize royalty and abundance. They also represent the ego, which is sublime yet rewarding when purified by the grace of the Goddess.

Her Worship Awakens the Kundalini to the Manipura Chakra

The worship of Goddess Kamala raises the Kundalini Shakti to the Manipura Chakra. The Manipura Chakra is located below the heart chakra (Anahata) and above the abdominal chakra (Swadhisthana). Manipura is defined as the ‘Palace of Jewels,’ and is associated with prosperity. The chakra itself is sometimes described as a resplendent gemstone, in vivid colors of yellow, blue, and red.

The position of the Manipura Chakra is vital. As it is situated just below the heart, the position symbolizes that the ego of acquiring wealth should not affect the heart. The heart should remain Anahata or unhurt. Again, the position above the abdominal chakra signifies that prosperity should be above the base desires of hunger and satiety. Yet, all the chakras are connected to each other and together represent the ascension path of the Kundalini energy from the Muladhara to the Sahasrara.

The lotus posture of Goddess Kamala and the abundance of lotuses in her depiction imply the importance of spiritual enlightenment along with material prosperity. It is said that the Sadhaka, who worships the Kundalini Shakti, attains the Sat-chit-ananda state. Sat means pure existence; chit means pure consciousness, and ananda means pure bliss. Since Kamalatmika is the last Goddess of the Dasa Mahavidya, she indicates the ultimate attainment of wealth at the culmination of the Sadhana.

She is also worshipped by Other Names

Goddess Kamala is often associated with Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, but with a major difference. Lakshmi is depicted as submissive and content with the role of massaging her husband's feet. On the other hand, Kamala is fiercely independent, and her presence in the Dasa MahaVidya pantheon does not show the image of Vishnu. Hence, she is also known as the Tantra Lakshmi. In some scriptures, she is associated with other names, such as Sita and Rukmini. Another name for her is Shree, which means ‘the Goddess of Prosperity.’

However, not all of her forms are benevolent and compassionate. Some tantric texts worship her as the Bhima (terrible) or as Kalaratri (black night). In this same vein, she is also worshipped as Tamasi (Goddess of Darkness). The devotee can associate her terrible forms with misfortune. The curse of Kamala is said to evoke bad luck in the life of the devotee.

The Tantrik Paths of Worshipping the Goddess

You would discover that Tantrik practices involve multiple disciplines. The right path is chosen according to Sadhaka's temperament and dedication. Put simply, Tantra should be practised according to the Gunas, Sattwik, Rajasic, and Tamasic. The Gunas are principal qualities that guide the mind and the body.

Just as Sattwik is based on vegetarianism and sexual abstinence, Tamasa cultivates non-vegetarianism and sexual intercourse. The Rajasic is the moderate path, combining elements from both the Sattwik and Tamasic paths.

The Dakshinacharam, or the Right-Hand path, is essentially Sattwik. It incorporates deep meditation and living the life of a Brahmachari. It is an orthodox path with immense spiritual potential. Vamacharam, or the Left-Hand path, is based on Tamasic qualities. The Sadhaka meditates on the Pancha Ma’Karas or the Five M’s with intense discipline and self-control. The Five M’s are Madya, Mamsa, Matsya, Mudra, and Maithuna. The first three M’s mean alcohol, meat, and fish, respectively. The other two M’s mean money and sexual intercourse.

Between these two extremes is Kaulacharam. The path incorporates principles of the other two paths, being Rajasic in nature. The best time to start the Sadhana is during Amavasya Krishna Paksha Hemantha Ruthu and Kartika Masam.

Problem: Worshipping Goddess Kamala to Find Solutions to Problems

The worship of the Goddess helps the devotee find solutions to his problems. Here are some common problems and solutions intended to please the Goddess.

Here are some general guidelines that you should follow before proceeding with the worship. Set up a dedicated altar in her honour at your home. Decorate the altar with lotus flowers, along with red and yellow fabrics. Remember to ignite a ghee lamp every evening. You need to regularly offer fruits, flowers, sweets, and incense to her.

Also, the devotee should practice fasting every Friday in honour of the Goddess. At all times, the mind of the devotee should be focused on her radiant form, offering his gratitude and seeking her blessings.

Problem: FacingFinancial difficulties, including lack of wealth, instability, and ongoing difficulties.


  • Mantra chanting: The devotee needs to recite the Kamalatmika Mantra 108 times daily. The mantra is,”Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamavasinyai Swaha.”
  • Make offerings: You need to offer lotus flowers, yellow fruits, and sweets to Kamalatmika.
  • Visualize her:Visualize the Goddess seated on her lotus throne, radiating a golden light. Meditate on her divine form and seek blessings for financial prosperity.

Problem: Career and business challenges, such as obstacles in career growth and business losses.


  • Mantra chanting: You need to recite the Mantra, “Om Hreem Shreem Kamalaalayee Namaha,” 108 times daily.
  • Conducting Puja: The devotee should perform a special Puja for the Goddess on Fridays by making offerings of yellow and white flowers.
  • Yantra: Place a Kamalatmika Yantra at the workplace or home altar. The Yantra attracts success and removes obstacles.

Problem: Lack of peace, mental stress, and personal unhappiness.


  • Mantra chanting: The devotee should chant the Kamala Mantra 108 times daily. The Mantra is "Om Aim Hreem Shreem Kamaladhayei Namaha."
  • Meditate on her: The devotee should meditate on her exquisite beauty, imagining her serene face. Seek her energy to fill you with peace and happiness.
  • Ritual bath: Arrange for a ritual bath before worshipping the Goddess. Prepare the ritual bath with water mixed with saffron and rose petals.

Problem: Difficulties in marital life, relationships, and family disputes.


  • Mantra chanting: You need to chant the Mantra," Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Kamalavasinyai Swaha," 108 times daily.
  • Make offerings: The devotee should offer yellow and red flowers along with sweets to the altar of Goddess Kamala.
  • Couple meditation: Both partners should meditate on her form together, seeking her blessings to strengthen the relationship.

Problem:Facing health problems such as chronic illness, general issues, or a lack of vitality.


  • Mantra chanting:Chant the "Om Hreem Shreem Kamalatmikaayai Namaha" Mantra 108 times daily.
  • Worship her: Perform a special Puja to Kamalatmika, offering sandalwood, turmeric, and fresh fruits
  • Visualization: Visualize the Goddess emanating a golden light enveloping your body with healing energy.

Seek the Guidance of an Accomplished Guru

The path of Tantra can be fearful to the devotee. Just as the paths abound with supreme knowledge, there are also perils if you worship the Goddesses with an impure heart. The devotee should practice the path of truth and sincerity in seeking the supreme knowledge. Only a true Guru can guide you towards salvation and help you gain the fruits of the Sadhana. Seek a Guru with all your heart, and follow his directions diligently.