
Shodashi Mahavidya

She is The Most Beautiful Goddess

Bālārka maṇḍalābhāsāṁ caturbhāhuṁ trilōcanām pāśāṅkuśa śarānścāpān dhārayantiṁ śivāmbhajē | padmarāga pratīkāśaṁ sunētrāṁ candraśēkharām navaratnalasadbhūṣāṁ bhūṣitā pāda mastakām॥

Goddess Shodashi is the third deity of the Dasa Mahavidya. Her presence is auspicious as she guides the senses of the devotee to attain divine knowledge or the key to Maya Rahasya. It is said that once the devotee can liberate himself from the bondage of Maya, he is introduced to the supreme beauty of the cosmos, personified as Devi Shodashi. Such is her beauty, that even Lord Shiva is overwhelmed by her presence.

To visualize her, one must free the mind from the bondage of guilt and shame. Shodashi means that she is the Goddess of Sixteen Summers. In other words, she is omnipresent in her eternal youth, and by worshipping her, the devotee overcomes the maladies and malice that are carried with age.

Her name also implies that she grants supreme control over all sixteen forms of desire. The bondages of desire, encompassing men with money, fame, lust, and the rest, hold back one’s spiritual progress. Desire is also the reason why the soul of the devotee is intertwined with the sufferings of Maya. The supreme beauty of Goddess Shodashi radiates with the blessings of happiness. Worshipping her is the very reward that the devotee obtains, a manifestation of the supreme joy, or Paramananda.

In her subtle form, she is worshipped as the embodiment of the Sri Yantra. The form of worship is known as Sri Vidya. The Yantra is depicted as an inverted triangle with a central Bindu in the simplest form. She is defined as the most beautiful woman in all the three realms, with four arms symbolizing omnipotence. Her hands carry the noose, the elephant goad, the arrow, and the bow. Her weapons reflect the ability to bind the unruly, control the passions, and pierce the hearts of the enemies.

Her three eyes symbolize the power to look beyond Maya, or illusion, into the past, present, and future. She is adorned with ornaments created of nine precious gems. It is said that the precious gems have fallen at her feet because Brahma and Vishnu bowed to her auspicious beauty. Her divine light illuminates the darkened paths of Maya and guides the devotees to attain enlightenment and liberation. She helps the devotees to transcend the limitation of mortality and realize the infinite potential of Shakti.

The Kundalini Shakti Embodied in Devi Shodashi

Her worship is correlated with the awakening of the Sahasrara Chakra, the supreme chakra existing above the head of the Sadhaka. The Sahasrara is depicted as a lotus of a thousand petals and signifies the ultimate destination of the ascension of Kundalini energy. She is the supreme beauty personified, or the ultimate realization of Shakti Tantra, guiding the Sadhaka to attain Paramananda or the greatest joy.

Her husband is Lord Shiva, who is worshipped as the Panchavaktra. She should be worshipped during the holy night or the Divya Ratri. The most auspicious time of her worship is the full moon, or Poornima, in Shulka Paksha, Vasantha Ruthu, and Magha Masam.

Devipuranam depicts that Goddess Shodashi defeated the demon Bhandasura. Bhanda means hypocrisy or deception. Therefore, she liberates the devotee from the curse of self-deception, as seen in jealousy, anger, hatred, greed, and arrogance. Lord Vishnu attained the Kalki form by worshipping the Goddess Shodashi.

Her Names Manifest the Absolute

Goddess Shodashi is also known by the name of Tripura Sundari. This name means that she is the most beautiful woman in all three realms. She is also known as Goddess Lalita. This name symbolizes that she entwines with the body of Shiva like a vine to a tree. Many devotees also worship her as Goddess Shree. The name means that she is the personification of beauty and resplendence. She is also known as the Goddess Kamakshi. The name means that she manifests the supreme desire of the Sadhaka.

The Sadhaka Must Follow Strict Discipline in Her Worship

The Sadhaka must pursue strict discipline in worshipping the ever-youthful Goddess. Tantrik worship is observed in different ways. The Guru decides the best path according to the principles of Tantra and the nature of the problem faced by the devotee. Dakshinacharam, or the right-hand path of worship, is orthodox and conservative. The path holds the potential for deep spiritual growth. Dakshinacharam is performed with austerity and penance. Dakshinacharam is based on Sattwik principles.

Vamacharam, or the left-hand path, is more intense as it requires complete mastery over the Five M’s or the Pancha Ma’Kara. The Five M’s are represented as Madya, Mamsa, Matsya, Mudra, and Maithuna. The first three M’s symbolize alcohol, meat, and fish, which should be consumed with a purified mind. The fourth M, or Mudra, means wealth or parched grains. Maithuna means sexual intercourse. Without great discipline, following the Vamacharam can lead to psychological and spiritual harm. Vamacharam is practised according to the Tamasic principles.

Kaulacharam is derived from Vamacharam and represents its refined observance. Kaulacharm is a path to the perfection of the Rajasic principles. The Aghori Tantrik also worships Goddess Shree. The Aghoris are predominantly worshippers of Shiva and follow difficult spiritual practices to attain enlightenment. The unconventional practices of the Aghori sect often challenge societal norms.

Shodashi Mantra Sadhana Benefits and that Helps the Devotee to Overcome the Problems in Life

Shodashi Sadhana leads the devotee on the path to enlightenment. The worship frees the mind of ego and the inability to see the beauty in spirituality. Proper recitation of the mantras can help the devotee to attain focus and concentration. Also, the Sadhana fosters dedication and perseverance, reminding the devotee to have faith in the process. The Shodashi sadhana heightens the connection of the devotee to the principles of the eternal feminine, or Shakti. The worship should be conducted with intense spiritual practices such as meditation, selfless service, and ethical conduct.

Deep meditation on the Shodashi mantra proves to be a source of strength and courage in life. The Goddess of Perfect Beauty is often worshipped for spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. Described below are the problems and the Tantrik solutions to them.

Problem: Lack of self-esteem and confidence.

Solution: The devotee should chant the Shodashi mantra “Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shodashi Vasham Anaya Swaha” 108 times daily. Also, the devotee should meditate on the image of Shodashi in her radiance and perfection. Flower offerings should be made to her image, especially roses. A ghee lamp must be lighted before her figure to please the Goddess.

Problem: Physical health issues.

Solution:The devotee should perform a healing ritual with a pure mind. You need to imagine a golden light emanating from Goddess Shodashi and enveloping the affected area. Focus on the specific region of the body that needs healing.

You need to take a sacred bath sprinkled with rose petals and a few drops of sandalwood oil. Dedicate your body to the care of the Goddess. The bath purifies the body and mind, raising the vibrations of healing.

At all times, pray to the Goddess with a sincere heart. Offer your prayers with light incense, and she will align your energies to heal the body.

Problem: Stress and mental turmoil.

Solution:The devotee must chant the Shodashi mantra regularly. The mantra will guide the mind toward tranquillity. Worship the sublime form of the Goddess in the form of a Shri Yantra. Meditating on the yantra stabilizes a disturbed mind and invokes mental peace. The worship of the Goddess should be done with beautiful aromas.

The devotee should use calming extracts such as lavender oil and sandalwood in the living space, dedicating his life to the worship of Goddess Shodashi. Create a spiritual ambiance that promotes mental peace.

Problem: Spiritual obstacles.

Solution:The devotee should engage in deep meditation on the forms and attributes of Devi Shodashi. You need to visualize her removing the obstacles and purifying the spirit (Atma) toward the path of the greatest enlightenment.

The devotee should participate in a fire ritual (Havan) with offerings of rice, ghee, and herbs. Chant the Shodashi mantra with dedication in your heart. The fire is symbolic of transformation, and the energy will remove the spiritual blockage.

You need to make offerings to nature, such as feeding birds and helpless animals. Dedicate your acts of kindness toward the worship of the Goddess. Such acts align the spiritual energies of the devotee with the Universal flow.

Problem:Relationship Issues.

Solution: Participate in a joint worship of the Goddess by involving your partner. You should chant her mantra in togetherness and offer flowers to the Goddess. Also, offer sweets to invoke her blessings. Seek harmony and love in the relationship and she will grant the boon.

In an intimate ritual, both partners should prepare a ritual bath by using rose petals, milk, and honey. Dedicate your bodies to the care of the Goddess.

You should meditate on her image together, visualizing her harmonious presence in your life. Her grace will remove the obstacles in intimacy and help you attain the fruits of desire.

Seeking the Direction of a Tantrik Guru

The worship of the Goddess should be done with strict discipline. At all times, the devotee should guard his mind to prevent the occurrence of any impure thoughts. An accomplished Tantrik Guru should be sought who will teach you the right way to worship the Goddess. The Tantrik Guru initiates the devotee into the realms of harmonious worship, ushering peace and prosperity in life.